Discipline & Conduct

  • The Primary and High School Classes start at 9.05 A.M. Children must assemble in the quadrangle for the prayer at 8.30 A.M.
  • Students cannot stay away from class without prior intimation. Parents are requested to give a written application for leave of absence.
  • Children will not be allowed to go out during the working hours of the school.
  • Parents are requested not to disturb the students and the teachers during the working hours and can meet the teachers after school hours. They are requested to cooperate with the school authorities in maintaining the discipline.
  • Damages to school property will be borne by the parent/guardian of the offending child/children.
  • Regular attendance is essential for proper learning. Parents are requested therefore to ensure the regular attendance of their children.
  • Every pupil must have 75% of attendance every month during the academic year. Students with less than 75% will not be allowed to appear for the annual exam.
  • Students who do not bring the required books and stationery, who are habitually late and who do not do their work (class and home work) according to instructions, will be disciplined by the class teacher. Repeated offence in this regard will be brought to the notice of the Principal for appropriate action.
  • The school has helpers to assist the teachers to supervise the children during the intervals. However minor accidents and injuries cannot be totally avoided. Such minor injuries will be tended to in the school itself. Parents will be informed if the injuries require further medical attention. The child will be sent home with the parent after administering first aid.
  • Parents are requested to see the work diary everyday and ensure that the children complete the work assigned. The diary must be signed by the Parent.
  • Parents are requested not to send their children with costly jewels. The school will not be responsible for any loss/ damage to costly items. Use of mobile is prohibited at school.
  • The school emphasizes on extra curricular activities and developing hobbies in children. Parents are required to encourage their children to participate in the activities.
  • Students should maintain their classes and school premises neat and clean.
  • The School Management has the authority to cancel the admission of students who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the school, at any time of the academic year.