Principal's Message

Mrs. Padmaja B.
Principal, MES Kishora Kendra School
“We believe in ‘Simple living and high thinking’.
Every academic year brings forth new challenges and new opportunities. It requires dedication to pursue the goals of the institution. This can be done by not resting on past laurels – but to pursue with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.
Start by doing what is possible and you will find that you are doing the impossible. Every day brings forth new opportunities to learn more. At MES. Kishora Kendra School we make the learning experience meaningful and happy.
We believe that each child is unique and gifted and a child’s capacity to learn and create is infinite.
In our School, the teachers and the administrative staff will make sure that your child learns to respect his school, family and his country. Teachers at school and parents at home are equal partners in providing a holistic education of the child.
Our endeavor is to teach each of our students to define success by overcoming the obstacles that come in their way and finding new paths to reach their goals.”